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Occupational and Physical Therapy

Occupational therapy and/or physical therapy is provided for students who require services per their Individual Education Plan (IEP).

 School Psychology

Our school psychologists conduct comprehensive evaluations on students who experience learning or behavioral difficulties in the classroom. Written parental permission is required to conduct an evaluation and the results are discussed with parents and staff at an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting.

 School Social Work 

Our school social workers provide individualized or small group counseling to students experiencing learning or behavioral difficulties. Parental consult is required through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) when ongoing counseling is needed.

Speech and Language Therapy 

After an initial speech evaluation is completed, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is held to determine if a student is eligible for direct, consult, or monitored speech and language services.

Teacher Consultant Services 

Special education students who are included in all regular education classes may receive TC services. Teacher consultant services are driven by the student’s IEP and often include verbal testing accommodations, organizational support, and remediation of skills. The teacher consultant is also responsible for communicating the various disabilities of students to teachers and assisting them in preparing appropriate educational plans.

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