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EL Program

Wyoming Public Schools provides unique opportunities for students and families that have a home or native language other than English. The diverse backgrounds of our students adds to the richness of our schools and we encourage you to celebrate and maintain your native languages and cultural identities. It is our goal to do everything possible to further your child’s education and English language development.



Entrance into the EL program is first initiated through the parent completing the student registration form. If another language other than English is marked on the Home Language Survey section the student may be eligible for the EL program. To protect the civil rights of our students, and in compliance with federal and state requirements, all public schools are required to assess students who have a home and/or native language other than English. These students will take the WIDA Screener upon entry. All English learners are tested annually on the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 to help ensure appropriate program placement and services.



Students are eligible for exit from the EL program when they have scored a 4.8 or higher on the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. In the fall, parents will be informed by a letter sent home in the mail. With all our EL Program components and educational supports, we would expect your child to exit from the EL Program within 5-7 years.


Parents who choose for their child not to participate in the EL program must notify the EL staff and/or building principal. A letter must be obtained from the student’s building, and signed by the parent/guardian. These students will not receive services.  However, under federal law these students must still be tested the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 each spring until they meet the exit criteria.


When English learners have a disability, students are eligible for both English learner services as well as special education services. Some of these students will take an alternate assessment called the WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Students can be eligible for exit when they score a P2.



At WPS, our goal is to exit a minimum of 10% EL students annually. When exited, the student is monitored for the following four years thereafter or until graduated.


If a parent or student has a complaint about any aspect of EL services, the parent should speak with their child’s classroom teacher, an EL teacher in the building, or directly with the building principal. Any person who believes that s/he has been discriminated against or denied equal opportunity or access to programs or services may file a complaint, which may be referred to as a grievance, with the District’s Civil Rights Coordinator.


Sarah Earnest, Assistant Superintendent for Employee Relations
Wyoming Public Schools
3575 Gladiola Avenue SW
Wyoming, Michigan 49519

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