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Preschool Enrollment

Enrollment Information

Get your child off to a great start right in your own neighborhood. Preschools close to home involve your child in skill-building activities with other children, laying the foundation for educational success. Your child explores his unique interests at his own pace with the encouragement of experienced, caring teachers.  Eligibility: Children must meet preschool guidelines.

Program Goals

1) Teach basic readiness skills in langauge arts and arithmetic
2) Provide a stimulating environment for learning
3) Develop your child’s senses, muscles,curiosity, mental and creative
4) Instill basic skills necessary to get along with other children
5) Reinforce values already taught at home to enable children to be increasingly responsible  for themselves and their behavior

Our Programs 2024-2025

There are 3 preschool programs located within two Wyoming Public School buildings.  The Early Childhood Special Education Preschool is operated by Wyoming Public Schools.  The other two programs, Great Start Readiness and Head Start, utilize WPS classrooms but are run separately.   Additional program information is provided below.


Wyoming Early Childhood Center Brochure

Early Childhood Special Education

Eligible students aged three to five with individualized education programs may be supported through a continuum of ECSE program options.  All Wyoming Public Schools ECSE classrooms and related services are located at the Wyoming Early Childhood Center. For more information, or if you suspect your child may qualify as a student with a disability, please call the Student Services Office: (616) 530-7525.

Great Start Readiness Program

The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is a state funded preschool program for qualifying four-year-old children. The program requires children to be age four by September 1. Kent Intermediate School District oversees GSRP classrooms in 18 school districts, and several community based organizations around Kent County.  GSRP classrooms are located in Wyoming Early Childhood Center and the former Rogers Lane Elementary School.  For more information on GSRP, including enrollment information, please call (616) 447-2409 or click here:


Great Start Readiness Program Link

Head Start

Head Start is a federally funded preschool option for eligible families with three and four year old children.  Head Start classrooms are located at Rogers Lane Elementary School. Additional information can be obtained by calling Head Start at the number below and/or by visiting their website.

Head Start at Rogers Lane: (616) 532-4229

Head Start enrollment and general information: (616) 453-4145


“No matter the personality, we want our scholars to feel like they can be themselves” said Parkview Elementary School Principal, Brenna Fraser.
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves

What a great day! Yesterday, we welcomed the newest members of our WPS teaching staff to the District and shared what it means to be a #WyomingWolf! 💜🐺
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves

Back To School enrollment and registration are both open on the WPS website! 💜 📚 🐺
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves


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