Picture of Wyoming Wolves logo.

Staff – West

Main Office


Brian Hartigan








Haydee Benitez




Teaching Staff



Rm #


Brian Hartigan Principal Office 4610
Haydee Benitez Secretary Office 4603
Jake Skaggs Dean of Students Conf. Rm 4645
Anna Rivera Attendance 4163
Elizabeth Schipper DK Teacher 131 4663
Dawn Brunink KD Teacher 124B 4630
Claire Lile KD Teacher 129 4671
Julie Merrill KD Teacher 122B 4626
Brianna Reed KD Teacher 122 4638
Hailey Anderson 1st Teacher 116 4672
Megan Augustine 1st Teacher 118 4636
Rachael Crawford 1st Teacher 114 4669
Moli VanderJagt 1st Teacher 112 4665
Jordan Gregory 2nd Teacher 119 4675
Maggie Kreter 2nd Teacher 117 4613
Lindsey McCormick 2nd Teacher 115 4607
Grace Sherman 2nd Teacher 113 4618
Shannon Hendges 3rd Teacher 123 4617
Heather Leonard 3rd Teacher 128 4625
Sarah Lichti 3rd Teacher 125 4616
Brenda Snyder 3rd Teacher 124 4624
Patti Armstrong 4th Teacher 94 4619
Heather Bartholomew 4th Teacher 98 4612
Trevor DeWaard 4th Teacher 96 4627
Kate Hull 4th Teacher 92 4661
Savannah Baker PE Gym 4647
Ben Childs Music 130 4634
Nicole Detoro Art 132 4609
Regan Koontz STEM 88 4667
Erin Hackett Resource 106 4614
Megan MacGraw EL 120 4615
Daniel Malakowsky EL 87 4646
Lisa DeMaagd Coordinator 4662
Amy Arnold Student Advocate 126 4601
Lori Brillowski Social Worker 110 4662
Karen McPhee Behavior Interventionist 90 4656
Kelsey Aubil Reading Interventionist Media 4659
Mitchell Dahlstrom Reading Interventionist Media 4659
Katie Messing Reading Interventionist Media 4659
Tammi Roose Speech Pathologist 111 4631
Eileen Gould Speech Pathologist Media
Lani Dykhouse Instructional Coach 4628
Ana Bocanegra OT 4221
Becky Systma OT 4221
Chris Young School Psychologist Media 4704
Amy Jo Cortez Kitchen Kitchen 4651
Ervin Artlip Maintenance 4660
Abigail Ediger Wyoming Regional Prog. 100 1275
Bridget Lewis Wyoming Regional Prog. 103 1272
Kara Evenhouse WRP Social Worker 105 1277

“No matter the personality, we want our scholars to feel like they can be themselves” said Parkview Elementary School Principal, Brenna Fraser.
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves

What a great day! Yesterday, we welcomed the newest members of our WPS teaching staff to the District and shared what it means to be a #WyomingWolf! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿบ
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves

Back To School enrollment and registration are both open on the WPS website! ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿบ
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves


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