Picture of Wyoming Wolves logo.



At WPS we strive for excellence in transportation services to you, our customers.

It is the mutual responsibility of the parent/guardian and school district personnel to make a reasonable effort to understand and cooperate with each other regarding safe and orderly pupil transportation.

School bus transportation is provided only for eligible students and shall be considered aย PRIVILEGEย to be enjoyed only as long as the students accept responsibility for their own personal conduct and carefully follow all rules and regulations.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.

The Schools Bus and You

For twenty three million students nationwide, the school day begins and ends with a trip on a school bus. The greatest risk is not riding the bus, but approaching or leaving the bus. Before children go back to school or start school for the first time, it is essential that adults and children know traffic safety rules.

Bus Schedules 2024-2025ย  School Year

Please review these important safety procedures with all of your children. Parents who escort their children to and from the bus must set the example for their children and also adhere to these important safety procedures when crossing. Everyone needs to know that not all cars stop as required by state law, even when the red lights are flashing on school buses.

“No matter the personality, we want our scholars to feel like they can be themselves” said Parkview Elementary School Principal, Brenna Fraser.
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves

What a great day! Yesterday, we welcomed the newest members of our WPS teaching staff to the District and shared what it means to be a #WyomingWolf! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿบ
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves

Back To School enrollment and registration are both open on the WPS website! ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿบ
#BetterTogetherWPS #WyomingWolves


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